WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown (7/24): Miz And Mrs. Premiere Party, Tag Team Tournament Begins, WWE Championship Contender Named, More

Becky Lynch vs Carmella

Lynch immediately goes for the DisArmHer. Carmella gets to the rope. Lynch tries it again. Carmella rolls Lynch up. Lynch kicks out. Carmella slams Lynch by her hear. Carmella tries a pin but Lynch matrixes out of it. Lynch misses a baseball slide. Carmella slams Lynch into the barricade. After the break, Lynch fires up but Carmella hits a flatliner. Lynch kicks out. Carmella sets up a tornado DDT. Lynch turns it into an exploder. Lynch goes up top. Carmella cuts her off. Stratusphere by Carmella. Lynch kicks out. Carmella pins Lynch with her feet on the ropes. Lynch kicks out. Enziguri by Lynch. Lynch goes up top again. Lynch misses a leg drop off the top. Carmella kicks Lynch in the face. Lynch kicks out. Carmella tries to lift Lynch off the mat. Lynch rolls into the DissArmHer. Carmella taps out.

Winner and new number on contender, Becky Lynch

Backstage, Harper says four teams will fight but it doesn’t matter who wins. Rowen says the same thing awaits the winner- a bludgeoning.