NINTH MATCH: B Block Match: Kenny Omega (4 pts) vs. Tama Tonga (4 pts)
The Tongans attack before the bell. Just as the ref is about to throw the match out, Hangman Page and Chase Owens even the odds. Kenny hits Fale with V-Trigger and tells the ref to ring the bell.
Kenny hits Rise of The Terminator on Loa, Faele, Page and Owens.
Back in the ring, Tama hits a Spear on Omega. Tama hits a Samoan Drop. Tama pummels Omega. Tama hits a back elbow. Tama hits a slam and gets a two count.
Omega tries to fight back but Tama dominates. Tama corners Omega and peppers him with strikes. Tama hits a headbutt. Omega and Tama trade blows. Omega hits a low dropkick. Tama dodges Kotaro Krusher. Tama hits a dropkick. Tama misses a Stinger Splash. Omega chops away on Tama. Omega hits a Tornado DDT for two.
Omega hits Rolling Samoan Drop but eats Tama’s knees on the moonsault. Omega blocks Gun Stun. Omega hits V-Trigger. Tama hits an Alabama Slam for two.
Omega counters Gun Stun with V-Trigger but Tama catches the knee. Tama goes for a Samoan Drop but Omega counters and hits V-Trigger. Both men fight on the apron. Omega goes for a Snap Dragon but Tama fights out. Omega goes for it again but Tama grabs the ref. Tanga Loa attacks Omega and goes for a Powerbomb but Omega hits a Hurricanrana. Omega hits Tama with an Apron Bomb. Omega rolls Tama back in the ring.
Omega hits Aoi Shoudou. Omega goes for V-Trigger but Tanga Loa catches him. Omega rolls up Tama for two. Tanga Loa slyly hits Omega with a chair and Tama rolls him up for two.
Omega counters Gun Stun by dropping Tama on the chair. Omega goes for One Winged Angel but Tama counters. Omega counters Gun stun. Tama goes for Styles Clash but the ref gets rid of the chair. Tama argues with the ref. Tama hits the ref with Gun Stun. The referee calls for the DQ at 9:56 as The Tongans rush the ring and beat up Omega.
Ibushi, Page and Owens run off The Tongans.
WINNER: Kenny Omega (6 pts)