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James Ellsworth Gives His In-Person Take For Hulk Hogan’s Apology (Audio)

James Ellsworth Gives His In-Person Take For Hulk Hogan’s Apology (Audio)
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On his #Duhcast podcast, James Ellsworth talked to co-host Dennis Farrell about some details when it came to the lead up of the Hulk Hogan apology to the locker room.

Ellsworth confirmed that he was present for the apology and that he believes Hogan was being sincere. Ellsworth isn’t sticking up for Hogan but he does believe he is sorry for what he said. Hogan did also make a point to state that he didn’t know he was being recorded. In addition, Ellsworth saw or heard nothing of anyone storming out before or after the meeting.

In addition, before Hogan was introduced, Triple H explained to the locker room of the dangers of social media and how as a celebrity you are constantly being watched and scrutinized by the public eye (Ellsworth even used a story about being filmed in an iHop a few weeks ago with Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali).

You can listen to the full audio below, but the meeting talk begins at the 12:30 mark:

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