Cesaro Is Nervous And Excited For World Cup Match
Cesaro posted the following picture of two jerseys of the football teams of Switzerland and Germany, with the caption, “Already nervous and excited #worldcup #GER – #MEX, #BRA – #SUI”
Cesaro has revealed that he is rooting for both the teams, which have upcoming matches scheduled.
Already nervous and excited #worldcup #GER – #MEX, #BRA – #SUI pic.twitter.com/VdbyqurbjO
— Swiss (@ClaudioCSRO) June 17, 2018
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Details On ICW’s Shug’s Hoose Party 5 Venue;
Insane Championship Wrestling founder Mark Dallas has posted the following tweet regarding the location of ICW’s Shug’s Hoose Party 5 Night 1 and Night 2: