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Adam Rose Shares His Thoughts On No Way Jose’s Conga Line, Why The Rosebuds Really Wasn’t His Gimmick

Adam Rose recently spoke with Chris Van Vliet; you can read a few transcribed highlights below:

Adam Rose on why he didn’t end up retiring last year despite announcing it publicly:

Money. You know, needed a job. I was all ‘I’m going to retire’ but then when I had no money I realized no, I’m not retiring. I need to wrestle some more.

Rose comments on No Way Jose’s conga line entrance being similar to his Rosebuds entrance: 

I said ‘wow, Rosebuds worked so well for me, let’s do it again!’ That’s what I thought… well, you know, it was very similar, I’ll say that. Very similar, but hopefully he does better with it than what I did because it’s a great thing, it’s just how you do it. He’s really talented from what I’ve seen. Fantastic hair, wears colorful outfits, that’s always good.

Adam Rose Reveals Vince McMahon Almost Played The Bunny, Talks Strowman as a Rosebud, Hating the “Trust Fall”, Retiring in 2017 and More

Rose explains why the Rosebuds wasn’t his gimmick: 

You said it didn’t work. Your exact words were ‘the Rosebuds gimmick didn’t work’, which is alright, because that wasn’t my gimmick anyway. That was something I did—it’s like an astroid, a a massive astroid traveling through the stars. Then it crashes into Earth; that’s sort of [how to explain] the Rosebuds.

His take on what his gimmick really was: 

Wonderful. I used to describe it as walking magic. Magic with legs.

Transcription credit to Bill Pritchard for