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ROH’s Honor United: London Results (5/26): Huge Six Man Tag Titles Match, Cody vs Kenny King, TV Title Four-Way & More

Match #8 – Cody vs Kenny King

Prior to the match, Kenny King says that if he wins – he’s All In, as well as Flip Gordon. Cody reluctantly accepts the challenge, and the match begins. King gives a rose to Brandi Rhodes but Cody puts a stop to the ordeal, eventually giving it to her himself. It’s a slow and methodical match, but the crowd are still into it and are incredibly behind Cody. Brandi distracts Kenny towards the end of the bout, allowing Cody to hit the Crossrhodes for the victory. After, Nick Aldis comes down to the ring and demands that Cody puts the ROH World Championship on the line if he wins it prior to their match at All In for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship – and Cody accepts.

Cody defeats Kenny King via pinfall