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ROH’s Honor United: London Results (5/26): Huge Six Man Tag Titles Match, Cody vs Kenny King, TV Title Four-Way & More

Match #2 – Jay Lethal vs Mark Briscoe

Lethal is the obvious favourite, and Briscoe, as always, is doing a great job of making the crowd despise him. It’s an old-school heel and babyface dynamic to kick things off here with Briscoe attacking Lethal from behind to kick things off. Both men had control of the bout at different points, with Briscoe countering the Lethal Injection into a submission in what looked like the finish. Alas, Briscoe’s knee gave out and cost him, with Lethal hitting the Lethal Injection for the victory. Really fun encounter.

Jay Lethal defeats Mark Briscoe via pinfall