impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (5/24): Edwards Assaults Callihan, Sydal Defends His Gold, More

Backstage, Madison Rayne says she didn’t come back to be an in-ring competitor. Rayne is just supposed to call the matches. Rayne can’t sit back and watch bullies. Tessa Blanchard walks in and tells Rayne to stay out of her way and go back to being a stay at home mom.

Backstage, Scott Steiner and Eli Drake interrupt the new tag champs Z&E. Steiner and Drake get into an argument about whose fault it is that they lost the titles. Steiner walks away in a huff.

X-Division Championship Match: Matt Sydal (c) vs El Hijo Del Fantasma

Fantasma shakes Sydal’s hand. Fantasma drops Sydal to the mat. Sydal takes Fantasma over with an arm drag. Sydal sits in the ring with his legs crossed. Sydal yells out namaste. A tackle/drop down spot leads to Fantasma landing a top rope diving arm drag. Sydal fains and injury. As the referee is checking on Sydal, Sydal sneak attacks Fantasma. Sydal hits a Russian leg sweep. Sydal transitions into a modified cobra clutch. Fantasma manages to flapjack Sydal but Sydal lands on his feet. Sydal hit his version of the final cut for a near fall. Sydal side kicks Fantasma. Sydal sets up a standing moonsault. Fantasma gets his knees up. Flying shoulder tackle by Fantasma.

Sydal rolls outside. Baseball slide by Fantasma. After the break, Fantasma drops Sydal face first on the ring steps. Sydal surprises Fantasma with another sidekick, Sydal misses the Shooting Star Press. Sydal lands on his feet but tweaked his ankle. Fantasma tries the thrill of the kill. Sydal escapes. Fantasma traps Sydal in a modified Indian death lock. Sydal eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Pop-up superkick by Fantasma. Fantasma calls for the Thrill of the Kill but Sydal reverses into the package driver for the win.

Winner and STILL X-Division Champion, Matt Sydal!


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