WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

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The Miz vs Big E. w/New Day

Miz and Big E. lock up. Miz walks up the ropes. Big E. drops Miz on his face. Miz tries to go behind Big E. but Big E. gyrates. Miz asks for a test of strength. Big E. bites but  Miz kicks Big E. in the gut. Leapfrog by Miz leads to a leapfrog by Big E. Big E.  puts Miz in an abdominal stretch. Big E. spanks Miz. Miz rolls out to the apron. Big E. hits his running splash on the apron. Big E. sits on a chair outside the ring as Woods and Kingston act like they are working his corner. Kingston pours maple syrup into Big E.’s mouth as Woods puts vaseline on Big E.’s face. Miz slaps Big E.. Big E. chases Miz. Miz trips Big E. on the apron to take control as we go to a commercial.

After the break, Miz tries a corner clothesline. Big E. catches Miz and belly-to-belly suplexes Miz. Big E. hits two more belly-to-belly suplexes. Running splash by Big E. Big E. calls for his finisher. Miz rolls out of the ring. Miz gets back in the ring and kicks Big E. in the gut. Miz charges in and Big E. destroys him with a uranage. Miz kicks Big E. in the knee and hits a DDT. Big E. kicks out. A double clothesline leads to both superstars being down. Sheamus and Cesaro hit the ring and attack Woods. Kingston jumps off the ring steps, then Cesaro’s shoulder onto Sheamus. In the confusion, Miz hits Big E. with the Skull Crushing Finale for the win!

Winner- The Miz