Photo Credit: / Mike Kalasnik

Best of Super Juniors Night 1 Results (5/18) Ospreay/Ishimori, ACH/Flip Gordon, Chris Sabin, More


BUSHI attacks Yoh to start. Yoh fights back and hits a flying elbow. BUSHI slides out of the ring. Yoh hits Tope Con Hilo to the outside. Yoh stomps on BUSHI.

Back in the ring, Yoh hits a Snapmare and a Senton for two. BUSHI rolls out of the ring. Yoh goes after BUSHI but gets choked with BUSHI’s t-shirt. BUSHI hits a Spike DDT on the apron. BUSHI beats on Yoh at ringside. BUSHI rolls Yoh back in the ring for a nearfall. BUSHI hits a Sliding Dropkick for two.

The two exchange slaps. BUSHI drops Yoh with a chest chop. BUSHI covers for two. BUSHI continues tenderizing Yoh with chops. BUSHI locks in a headscissors.

BUSHI hangs Yoh on the ropes and hits a dropkick for one. The two exchange slaps. BUSHI locks in an STF. Yoh fights to the ropes.

Yoh hits a backbreaker and neckbreaker combo. Yoh hits multiple cross chops. Yoh hits a slingshot Tiger Feint Kick on BUSHI. BUSHI throws Yoh out of the ring and hits a Tope Suicida.

Back in the ring, BUSHI hits running double knees. Yoh fights out of the Fisherman Neckbreaker. Yoh hits a high knee. BUSHI crotches Yoh on the top rope. BUSHI hits a hurricanrana for two.

BUSHI hits a Fisherman Neckbreaker for two. BUSHI signals for MX but eats a Thrust Kick. The two exchange strikes. Slapfight ensues. Yoh hits an enziguri. Bushi hits a rebound enziguri. BUSHI hits BUSHI Destroyer for two.

Yoh counters a Codebreaker with a pinfall.

WINNER: Yoh (2)

MAIN EVENT: Will Ospreay vs. Taiji Ishimori (A Block)

Ospreay hits a Shotgun Dropkick out of the bat and pummels Ishimori in the corner. Ospreay hits another Shotgun Dropkick. Ishimori retreats to ringside.

Ospreay follows and gets pummeled by Ishimori. Ishimori throws Ospreay at the crowd, but Ospreay lands on a ledge and hits a somersault senton onto Ishimori.

Back in the ring, Ospreay corners Ishimori. The two exchange chops. Ospreay kicks at Ishimori. Ishimori corners Ospreay. Ishimori hits a springboard seated senton. Ishimori chokes Ospreay in the corner. Ospreay fights back bu tgets hits neck twisted by Ishimori.

Ishimori continues to dominate Ospreay. Ishimori snaps Ospreays head against the ropes. Ishimori locks in a Cravate. Ospreay ducks a handspring back elbow and hits a handspring enziguri. Ospreay hits another Enziguri and then a top rope Tiger Feint Kick. Ospreay hits a springboard elbow. Ospreay hits a Running Shooting Star Press for two.

Ospreay kicks at Ishimori. Ishimori ducks an Enziguri but gets rolled up for two. Ishimori counters with an Omoplata. Ospreay fights to the ropes. Ishimori fights out of Cheeky Nandos Kick and hits a Tombstone Facebreaker for a nearfall. Ishimori locks in another Omoplata. Ospreay suplexes out of the hold.

The two exchange strikes. Ospreay hits a Superkick to the back of the head and the Bloody Sunday for two. Ospreay drapes Ishimori on the top rope. Ospreay hits a shooting star press for two. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. Ospreay goes for Storm Breaker. Ishimori hits V-Trigger. Ishimori hits a Reverse Frankensteiner. Ospreay hits a Standing Spanish Fly. Ospreay goes for Osscutter but Ishimori counters with Bloody Cross for the pinfall.

WINNER: Taiji Ishimori (2)


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