WWE Backlash Results (5/6): Styles And Nakamura Battle For The WWE Title, Roman Reigns Wins, More!

Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Lashley sends Owens into the corner. Swinging neck breaker by Lashley. Owens tags in Zayn. Lashley leapfrogs over Zayn and lands another clothesline. Zayn runs out of the ring to avoid Lashley’s assault. Lashley follows Zayn. After a distraction by Owens Zayn stuns Lashley on the top rope. Owens hits a senton on the outside. Zayn and Owens work over Lashley. Lashley gets the tag. Strowman runs over Zayn and Owens. Strowman tries to splash Owens but Owens moves out of the way. Zayn tags in and runs right into a power slam attempt.

Zayn escapes and runs out of the ring. Zayn tries to run into the crowd. Owens pulls Zayn back to ringside. Owens tells Zayn that they are going to stay and fight. Zayn tosses Owens back into the ring. Strowman beats down Owens. Owens rolls out of the ring and tosses Zayn into the ring. Strowman beats down Zayn. Owens and Zayn argue. Zayn slaps Owens. Zayn apologizes. Owens gets a spine buster followed by a delay vertical suplex by Lashley. Owens is done.

Winners- Bobby Lashley and Braun Strowman

After the match, Owens gets a power slam by Strowman for good measure. As Zayn is checking on Owens Strowman grabs him and sends him into the ring. Powerslam by Strowman.