WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/16): 2018 Superstar Shake-Up Begins, Multiple Debuts, New Champion Crowned, Huge Tag Team Upset, More

Breezango vs The Bar

Cesaro hits the Swiss Death uppercut on Breeze. Sheamus and Cesaro beat down Breeze. The Bar blast Breeze with Demolition Decapitation. Breeze rolls up Cesaro for the win!

Winners- Breezango

Backstage, Elias says he isn’t going to play tonight because he only plays the big cities. Elias says if Bobby Lashley interrupts him again. Elias tries to give Renee a private concert. Renee throws it back to Cole to get out of this segment with Elias.

The Miz, The Miztourage, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn vs Finn Bálor, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, Bobby Lashley, and Bobby Roode

Owens takes down Rollins. Owens stomps Rollins. Owens tries to splash Rollins but Rollins complete shots Owens into the middle turnbuckle. Rollins sends Owens to the outside. Rollins splashes Owens over the top rope. After the break, Rollins catches Axel with a dropkick. Roode tags in and suplexes Axel. Roode tags in Bálor, who hits an axe handle off the top. Bálor hits the roll through dropkick on Axel.  Bálor tries to tag in Strowman but Axel sends him into the corner. The heels take turns beating down Bálor. Bálor manages to tag in Lashley. Lashley belly-to-belly suplexes Zayn. Clothesline by Lashley. Lashley hits a delay vertical suplex on Zayn. Miz charges in but Lashley picks him up and gorilla press slams Miz over the top onto the Miztourage. After the break, the heels are working over Rollins. Rollins tries to fight his way out of the heel corner but Miz destroys him with a basement DDT. Rollins kicks out. Miz calls for the It kicks. Rollins hits a back suplex.

Rollins makes it to his corner but the heel knocked everyone off the apron. Rollins manages to tag in Roode, who clears the ring. Roode tries the Glorious DDT. Axel counters. After a distraction by Dallas, Axel chop blocks Roode. Roode tags in Strowman. Miz tries to run away. Strowmanruns over Owens on the way to sending Miz into the barricade. Strowman clothesline Miz. Rollins takes out the Miztourage with a suicide dive. Roode hits the Glorious DDT. Owens superkicks Roode. Miz goes for the corner dropkicks. Strowman lands a dropkick of his own. Miz crawls to the corner for the tag but Axel drops off the apron. Miz tries to tag Dallas but Dallas drops off the apron. Dallas and Axel leave Miz in the ring by himself. Strowman hits the Running Powerslam for the win.

Winners- Finn Bálor, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, Bobby Lashley, and Bobby Roode

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