WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/9) Multiple Debuts and Returns, Fallout From WrestleMania, More

Backstage, Woken Matt runs into Jeff. Matt tells Jeff he is happy Jeff has overcome his broken condition. Woken Matt introduces Jeff to Wyatt. Wyatt and Jeff hug. Jeff asks Wyatt how he feels now that Sister Abigal has been rendered obsolete. Wyatt says he feels wonderful. As Wyatt and Woken Matt walk away the camera pans and Rollins and Bálor are standing there. Rollins and Bálor ask what the hell was that. Jeff shrugs his shoulders and walks away.

The Miz and The Miztourage vs Seth Rollins, Finn Bálor, and Jeff Hardy

Miz is about to start the match. Miz tags in Axel. Axel floor Rollins with a shoulder tackle. Armdrag by Rollins. Rollins takes out Dallas and Axel. Bálor and Rollins both assist Hardy on hitting poetry in motion on Dallas and Axel. After the break, the heels are working over Bálor. Dallas misses a clothesline which allows Bálor to suplex Dallas. Dallas tags in Miz. Bálor dropkicks Miz. Bálor tags in Hardy, who clears the ring. Hardy hits the low dropkick on Axel. Hardy tries the Twist of Fate but Axel pushes him off. Hardy hits the whisper in the wind on Dallas and Axel. Rollins tags in. Rollins hits the blockbuster on Miz. Miz is sent outside. Suicide dive by Rollins onto everyone. Miz tries to go up top but Rollins hits the superplex/falcon arrow combo. Bálor dumps Axel and Dallas over the top. Topé con hilo by Bálor. Rollins hits the Curb Stomp on Miz for the win.

Winners- Seth Rollins, Finn Bálor, and Jeff Hardy

After the match, Rollins, Hardy, and Bálor hit their finishers on each member of the Miztourage.

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