impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (4/5) Lashley Calls out Cage, Two Feast or Fired Cases on the Line, More!

Backstage, KM finds Richard Justice. KM tells Justice that Justice has a match and its right now. Justice runs through the curtain as KM yells at the producer to play Justice’s music.

In Ring Segment: KM and Richard Justice

KM grabs a mic and tells Justice that he is a fat, disgusting, embarrassment. KM proceeds to rag on Justice because of his weight. Justice tells KM that he is embarrassing him. If they are going to have a match let’s just do it. KM continues to jab at Justice. Justice looks like he is going to cry. KM decks Justice. Fallah Bahh runs to ringside and makes the save. The Cult of Lee runs in and attacks Bahh. Tyrus’ music hits. Tyrus clears the ring. Tyrus grabs a mic and says he doesn’t like bullies.Tyrus makes fun of KM and the Cult of Lee.

Backstage, Eli Drake says he is going to walk away with both Feast or Fired cases.

Taiji Ishimori vs Johnny Impact

Ishimori and Impact shake hands before locking up. Spinning leg drop by Impact. Impact slaps on a chin lock. Ishimori escapes and takes Impact over with a head scissors. Dropkick by Ishimori. Impact falls to the outside. Impact gets back in the ring but Ishimori catches him with a kick to the gut. Enziguri by Impact. Impact tries a springboard front flip but Ishimori moves out of the way. Ishimori hits a springboard senton. Step up hurricanrana by Ishimori. Impact ends up outside the ring again. Golden triangle moonsault by Ishimori. Ishimori sends Impact back into the ring. Running corner knees by Ishimori. Ishimori hits his patented headstand double foot stomp.
