Photo Credit: Ring of Honor/Bruno Silvera

ROH TV Ep #340 Recap: Scorpio Sky v Flip Gordon, Hangman & The Villain Battle The Boys, WOH Tourny, More

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We cut backstage and Kenny King is being attacked by Silas Young before we see a video segment with the Briscoe Brothers. They talk about their tag titles Supercard match against Jay Lethal and Tanahashi, say that worlds will collide but they will prove that they are the best tag team in the world.

We get back to Sam Town’s Live arena. Kenny & Silas have found their way to ringside and the two pummel each other as security struggles to separate the two. Silas grabs a mic and tells Bully to do the right thing and give him his rematch against King. Bully gives Kenny the stick and he says he can’t beat him in this ring and challenges him to a Last Man Standing match. He asks Silas how’s he going to stand when King breaks both his damn legs. The announcers comment on how that’s Silas’s match. The ROH Supercard grows a bit more with that TV title match.

Silas seemed to be over a little more the the crowd as King kind of got some booes after his “can’t beat him in the ring” comment. His “breaking both damn legs” comment was pretty damn good though.

MAIN EVENT: Scorpio Sky vs. Flip Gordon

Announcer plays up Flip’s grudge with various Bullet Club members as he makes his way to the ring and we see the “Tale of The Tape.” Scorpio Sky offers a handshake as the bell ring and Flip starts off hot with some groundwork and kicks. Flip does a handstand that wildly dodges Scorpio’s attack and turns it into a headscissors that takes Sky to the outside. Flip then flips to the outside and we go to a match break.

We return and Sky is overpowering Flip in the corner that includes a mid-section torpedo, giving him a two-count. Flip delivers some knife-edge chops and Scorpio Sky goes for a suplex but Gordon gains the advantage up top he misses a top rope move and delivers an impressive springboard slingblade. Lo and behold, Daniels and Kazarian come in to attack Gordon behind the ref’s back but Gordon fends them off and gets a roll-up pin good enough for the three count.

WINNER: Flip Gordon via pinfall

After the match SoCal Uncensored attack Flip until the Young Bucks come out for the save. Matt Jackson offers a handshake and Flip begins to leave the ring but comes back to accept the invitation. Crowd pops huge. They embrace as Bully Ray comes out and says Flip Gordon has earned respect the old school way by taking his licks, but not taking any crap.

Bully then makes the match at Supercard: The Young Bucks & Flip Gordon against So-Cal Uncensored in a Ladder Match to end the evening (Oooo boy!)

Overall Thoughts: From the women’s bout to the tag/handicap match with The Boys & The Bullet Club, this week’s episode had some real nice variety to it. There was a good balance between mic time and in-ring action to keep the viewers on their toes and engaged. Both Scurll & Page were the show-stealers, but The Young Bucks uniting with Flip Gordon for a Supercard ladder match was a cool moment to cap off the show in ROH’s build to Supercard.

Follow Dominic on Twitter @DominicDeAngelo

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