Photo Credit: Ring of Honor/Bruno Silvera

ROH TV Ep #340 Recap: Scorpio Sky v Flip Gordon, Hangman & The Villain Battle The Boys, WOH Tourny, More

ROH TV Ep #340 Recap: Scorpio Sky v Flip Gordon, Hangman & The Villain Battle The Boys, WOH Tourny Continues, More
Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

We see a Jay Lethal promo and a short recap of SoCal Uncensored winning the six-man belts.

Adam Page enters first and then Marty Scurll who is not dressed to wrestle. The Boys come out and Colt’s surprised that they weigh a total of 300 lbs. We see the “Tale of The Tape” and the match starts.

MATCH 2: “Hangman” Adam Page & “The Villain” Marty Scurll vs. The Boys (w/ Dalton Castle)

Scurll starts off talking smack in his suit, taking off his coat until he goes and makes the tag to Page. This gets a pop from the Vegas crowd. Dalton, on commentary, says he won’t be concerned with Scurll wrestling in a suit at Supercard. We then cut to a break. We see The Boys had a little offense during the break with some headscissors high-flying until Page starts on the attack again. Page tags in Scurll and Scurll teases an attack until he tags Page back in. The Boys switch places while the ref is turned. They get a little offense until Page first catches Boy 1 in mid take down to launch him into a wild standing forearm. Scurll and Castle exchange words as Page lays Boy 1 out with a Buckshot Lariat for the three count. Scurll is shown holding Dalton’s ROH Title before setting it down and staring at Castle before parting ways.

WINNER: Adam Page & Marty Scurll via pinfall

Page and Scurll were over with the Vegas crowd as Page got a this opportunity to showcase his talents. He’s absolutely coming into his own. Castle did a solid job on commentary. Didn’t step on Colt’s or Ian’s toes, but made his presence known.


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