WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/21) Johnny Gargano Attacks Tommaso Ciampa, Adam Cole Battles Kassius Ohno!

Moustache Moutain will is no longer in the Dusty Classic. Tyler Bate has suffered a knee injury. Roderick Strong and a partner of his choosing will replace Bate and Seven.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Round One: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan vs Roderick Strong and United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne

Lorcan and Strong start the match. Lorcan and Strong trade holds. Lorcan drags Strong to his corner and tags in Burch. Strong locks in a wrist lock. Strong tags in Dunne who immediately takes down Burch and works over Burch’s hand. Dunne tries a leapfrog but Burch picks Dunne’s leg out of the air. Strong and Lorcan hit the ring and there is a standoff. After the break, Dunne has Burch in a modified seated shoulder lock. Burch gets to his feet. Dunne slaps the mess out of him. Double gourd buster by Dunne and Strong. Dunne and Strong double chop Burch. Missile dropkick by Burch. Burch tags in Lorcan while Dunne tags in Strong. Lorcan hits a running European uppercut followed by a sick clothesline. Strong kicks out. Lorcan hits a running blockbuster for another near fall. Strong sends Lorcan into Burch. Lorcan falls out of the ring. Dunne tags himself in and dives off the second rope and stomps on Burch’s hand.

X-Plex by Dunne. Lorcan breaks up the pin. Strong sends Lorcan to the outside. Strong misses a baseball slide. Lorcan destroys Strong with a European uppercut. Dunne and Burch trade slaps in the ring. Burch floors Dunne with a stiff shot. Burch German suplex Dunne. Lorcan half nelson suplexes Strong on top of Dunne. Dunne kicks out. Burch locks Dunne in the crossface. Strong tries to break it up but Lorcan puts him in the single leg crab. Strong kicks Lorcan into Burch to break both holds. Burch exploder suplexes Strong. Dunne picks up Burch and tosses him into a cradle rock backbreaker by Strong. Strong hits the End of Heartache on Burch for the win!

Winners- Roderick Strong and Pete Dunne