WWE RAW Results

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Bayley and Sasha Banks vs Absolution 

Before the match can start, Banks says she wants to talk it out with Bayley. Banks says Bayley is her best friend and she wants to fix this. Banks knows she hurt Bayley’s feelings at the Elimination Chamber but the match was every woman for herself. Banks wants to be the Raw Women’s champion. She didn’t betray their friendship. Bayley did when she refused to tag her during their tag match. Banks also notes that Bayley left her high and dry. This has happened twice. Since Banks considers Bayley her sister she forgives her. Banks tries to shake Bayley’s hand. Bayley walks away and grabs a mic. Bayley says she was angry after the Elimination Chamber. Bayley says she may have acted rashly. After their tag match, Bayley took off. Bayley says she can’t get over what Banks did at the Elimination Chamber. It’s not what Banks did it’s how she did it. The smirk on Banks face is what did it. After she kicked Bayley in the face and she fell off the pod Banks smiles. Banks is supposed to be her best friend. Why was knocking Bayley down so easy? Like their friendship means nothing. Absolution comes out on the stage. Paige says it’s time for their match. Paige’s ladies will show Banks and Bayley how a real woman settles things.

As the match start Banks slaps Deville in the face. Deville knocks Bayley off the apron. Deville sends Banks to the outside as well. After the break, Rose has Bayley in a rear chin lock. Bayley escapes and slams Rose’s head into the top turnbuckle over and over again. Basement elbow to the back followed by a basement clothesline. Banks tags in and Bayley tries to cover Rose. Banks pulls Bayley off of Rose and tries the cover herself. Deville tags in and takes control. Deville puts Banks in a body scissors. Banks escape but Deville slams her down to the mat to stop the tag. Deville tags in Rose. Rose destroys Banks with a high knee for a near fall. Modified abdominal stretch by Rose. Banks escapes via a hip toss. Rose catches Banks with a dropkick. Absolution traps Banks in their corner and continues the beat down. Banks crawls to Bayley but Bayley doesn’t reach her hand out to make the tag. Deville attacks Banks from behind. Bayley tags herself in hard. Bayley clears the ring. Bayley gets a backslide but the referee is busy trying to get Banks out of the ring. Bayley gets in Banks face. Banks and Bayley argue. Deville pushes Bayley into Banks. Banks falls to the outside. Deville kicks Bayley in the head for the win.

Winners- Absolution