Braun Strowman vs Cesaro
Strowman splashes Cesaro over and over again. Strowman tosses Cesaro into the corner so hard Cesaro is sent flying over the ring post. After a short break, Ceasaro jumps on Strowman’s back. Strowman drives Cesaro into the corner. Cesaro boots Strowman in the face. Cesaro pulls down the top rope and Strowman falls to the outside. Strowman picks up Cesaro and drops him on the barricade. Sheamus distracts Strowman while Cesaro dives off the ring steps. Strowman catches Cesaro and drives him into the barricade. Strowman tosses Cesaro into the ring. Strowman misses a shoulder block in the corner. European uppercut by Cesaro.
Cesaro sets up the Neutralizer. Strowman dumps Cesaro to the outside. Cesaro takes Strowman off his feet after a springboard European uppercut. Cesaro tries the Neutralizer again. Strowman back body drops Cesaro out of it but Cesaro lands on his feet. Cesaro tries another springboard but Strowman levels him with a huge right hand. Strowman sets up his Powerslam Sheamus distracts Strowman while Cesaro escapes. Strowman runs over Sheamus. Strowman misses another splash in the corner. Cesaro tries to pin him but Strowman fights it off. Cesaro dives off the second rope but Strowman catches him and hits the Powerslam for the win.
Winner- Braun Strowman
POWERSLAM spells the end for @WWECesaro as @BraunStrowman stands tall once again on #RAW!
— WWE (@WWE) March 20, 2018