Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

New Japan Cup Night 4 Results (3/12) Chuckie T vs. SANADA, Toru Yano vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr., More.

SEVENTH MATCH: New Japan Cup First Round: Toru Yano vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Yano attacks Smith before the bell and tries to tape his arm to the ropes. Smith hits a scoop slam. Smith misses a corner splash. Yano chokes Smith with a shirt. Yano removes the turnbuckle pad. Smith sends Yano into the exposed turnbuckle. Smith mounts Yano and pummels him. Smith puts Yano in the Tree of Woe. Smith stomps away.

Smith drives Yano’s head into the turnbuckle. Yano ducks a corner clothesline with a rollup for two.

Yano and Smith brawl outside. Smith drags Yano into the crowd and throws him into a section of seating. Smith stomps away on Yano. Smith throws a chair at Yano. Yano beats the countout at 19.

Smith stomps on Yano some more. Smith keeps Yano grounded. Smith maintains dominance. Smith locks in a headscissors choke and chews on Yano’s hand. Smith pummels Yano. Both men duck getting thrown into the turnbuckle. Yano ducks a clothesline. Yano gets kicked in the gut by Smith. Smith charges Yano but ends up in the exposed turnbuckle.

Yano gets a chair involved but Smith sets up the chair ine the corner and throws Yano into it. Yano gets thrown into the exposed tunrbuckle. Smith locks in the Crippler Crossface. Yano fights to the ropes.

Smith pummels Yano but gets whipped into the exposed turnbuckle. Yano hits a low blow and a small package for two.

Davey hits a Powerslam. Yano evades Smith and grabs a roll of tape. Yano tapes Smith’s leg to the bottom rope, but Smith fights out. Outside the ring, Smith dominates Yano. Yano ducks a a clothesline and sends Smith over the barricade. Yano makes it back in the ring, but Smith can’t. Yano wins by countout.

WINNER: Toru Yano

MAIN EVENT: New Japan Cup First Round: Chuckie T vs. SANADA

They lock up. Neither man gets the better of a chain wrestling sequence. SANADA drops Chuckie with a shoulder block. Dueling Armdrags leads to both men going for a dropkick. SANADA offers a handshake. They shake hands and SANADA kicks him in the gut. SANADA ducks the moonsault but Chuckie hits a dropkick.

Outside the ring, SANADA rakes Chuckie’s eyes, throws him into the barricade, and tries to put him in Paradise Lock in front of Milano AT, but Chuckie fights out. Milano gives SANADA pointers on the Paradise Lock. SANADA throws Chuckie into the crowd. Chuckie recovers and throws SANADA into the barricade. Chuckie gets a table. Chuckie tries to suplex SANADA through the table, but SANADA counters and suplexes Chuckie on the floor.

SANADA rolls Chuckie in the ring and continues the assault. SANADA tries to suplex Chuckie from the ring, through the table but Chuckie powers out. SANADA goes for a Death Valley Driver but Chuckie counters out. SANADA locks in a rope-assisted Skull End. SANADA dominates Chuckie in the corner. SANADA hits a throw for a nearfall.

SANADA keeps Chuckie grounded. Chuckie fights back, but eats a boot in the corner. SANADA hits a Poweslam.

Chuckie hits maultiple lariats. Chuckie hits a missile dropkick. Chuckie hits Falcon Arrow for two. Chuckie locks in the Figure Four Leglock. SANADA gets to the ropes. Chuckie attempts Awful Waffle but SANADA fights out. SANADA hits a dropkick. SANADA hits a plancha.

Chuckie T counters a Hurricanrana with a Powerbomb. Chucki hits a Tope Con Hiro. Chuckie throws SANADA into the barricade. Chuckie beats on SANADA in the crowd. Chuckie hits a Dropkick, sending SANADA into a section of chairs. Chuckie grabs two chairs from under the ring. Chuckie slams SANADA onto the two chairs. SANADA recovers and powerbombs Chuckie through the table.

SANADA rolls Chuckie into the ring and hits a Springboard Dropkick. SANADA hits a Saito Suplex for two.

SANADA goes for Skull End but Chuckie counters out. Chuckie goes for a Death Valley Driver but his back gives out. They exchange forearms. Chuckie hits a Samoan Driver for two. SANADA goes for Skull End but Chuckie reverses with Sole Food. SANADA hits TKO for two.

SANADA hits a backbreaker but misses a moonsault. Chuckie hits Awful Waffle for two. SANADA locks in Skull End, but Chuckie rolls up SANADA for two. Chuckie rolls up SANADA for two again. SANADA locks in Skull End. SANADA hits a moonsault for the pinfall.



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