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NJPW New Beginning Sapporo Results (1/28): Bullet Club Fractures, Golden Lovers Reunite, More

EIGHTH MATCH: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks vs. Roppongi 3K

Yoh starts off against Matt Jackson. They trade strikes to start and Matt drops Yoh with a shoulder block. Jackson attempts a Sharpshooter but Yoh counters into a Single Leg Crab, but Matt gets to the ropes. Sho & Nick tag in respectively. After a series of acrobatics, Nick hits a dropkick. Bucks hit a Neckbreaker/Backreaker combo for two. Yoh tags in and 3K double team first Matt and then Nick Jackson. Stereo dropkicks to Matt. 3K go for tandem suicide dives but both eat Superkicks from the Bucks. Matt hits a Middle Rope Baseball Slide, followed by a twisting plancha from Nick. The Young Bucks chase after Rocky Romero, who gives chase. They end up backstage but drag Rocky back out onto the ramp. Bucks try to powerbomb Rocky but Roppongi is there for the save and a wild brawl ensues that leads to a somersault senton from Matt Jackson onto Sho, Yoh & Rocky.

Bucks hit an Powerbomb to the ring apron on Yoh. Matt gets a two count on Yoh. Matt attempts a Buckle Bomb but his leg gives out. Matt cannot get back to his feet but Nick tags in and dominates Yoh. Matt tags back in hesitantly. Double team gets two. Matt works a headlock on Yoh. Nick tags in. Yoh counters running attacks and dumps Matt Jackson over the top rope and onto the apron. Matt pulls Sho off the apron, cutting off a tag. Nick Jackson hits a spear and a knee to the head.

Young Bucks attempt stereo Superkicks but Yoh fights out and gets the tag to Sho who hits running forearms on the Bucks. After a series of swift kicks, Sho gets two. Nick Jackson fights out of a waistlock and tags in Matt. Sho hits triple germans, including one to both Bucks at the same time. Yoh enters and they hit an innovative tag move for two. They gesture for 3K but Nick Jackson breaks it up, sending Sho and Yoh to the floor. Nick attempts an Asai Moonsault but gets hit with 3K to the ring apron.

Back in the ring and Sho continues to work over the injured back of Matt Jackson. Yoh tags in and they hit Contract Killer for two. Yoh locks in a Boston Crab. Matt fights to the ropes.

Roppongi 3K put Matt Jackson on the top rope and go for a double superplex but Matt Jackson fights them off. They climb back up and hit the double superkick for two. Sho and Yoh assault Matt with vicious kicks but Matt fights back. Sho and Yoh hack away at Matt again. Yoh accidentally hits Sho with a Superkick and Matt Jackson hits a spear. Nick tags in and hits a dropkick/crossbody combo. Nick hits Trouble In Paradise on Yoh. Sho eats a German Suplex on the apron. Jackson hits a Facebuster on Yoh and then a tornado DDT on Sho. Nick attempts a frog splash but Yoh gets his knees up for two.

Nick and Yoh exchange strikes. Nick hist Yoh with two superkicks and then knocks Sho off the apron. Nick hits an assisted Swanton Bomb on the outside onto Sho. Matt tags in and they hit an assisted 450 splash on Yoh for two.

Matt attempts a Powebomb but his back gives out. Powerbomb/Pele Kick from the Bucks. Matt locks in a Sharpshooter on Yoh. Yoh fights to the ropes but Nick hits a Swanton to break the rope break, Matt drags Yoh back to the center but Matt Jackson’s back gives out. Matt goes for another submission but Yoh rolls him up in a small package for the pinfall.


MAIN EVENT: IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship Match: Champion Kenny Omega vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

The two circle each other to start and then lock up. Neither man can take control but Omega breaks cleanly in the corner. Omega does a classic Irish Whip/Leapfrog sequence but Jay White slaps the taste out of his mouth. Omega continues to work a vicious headlock. Omega hits a kick and then chops White’s chest repeatedly. Jay White gets in some chops of his own. White corners Omega and chops away some more. White smashes Omega into the turnbuckle. Springboard attempt by Omega is met with a forearm and Omega falls to the outside. White hits a dropkick, sending Omega into the barricade. Switchblade hits a running forearm from the apron. White continues to dominate The Cleaner on the outside. White whips Omega into the guardrail. Omega attempts a moonsault but eats a Saito Suplex on the floor. Back in the ring and Jay White gets a one count.

Back outside the ring and White chops away at Omega and then removes the padding from the ringside area. White bodyslams Omega onto the exposed concrete. Omega beats the 20 count.

Jay White works a chinlock and continues his dominance of the Bullet Club leader. Omega fights back with forearms but White takes out Omega’s knee. White hits a dropkick to the back of Kenny Omega’s head. White locks in a Muta Lock but Omega gets his fingers in White’s eyes to break. White continues to chop away on Omega’s chest. Omega fights back with chops of his own but White hits an Uppercut that knocks down Omega. White attempts triple suplex variations but only gets two before Omega runs him into the corner. Omega misses a corner running elbow but then countered a vertical suplex. Omega starts dominating White with axe handles but White attacks the knee. Omega hits a Rolling Fireman’s Carry/Moonsault combo for two.

Jay White counters a Dragon Suplex, but Omega chops away at White’s back. White backdrops Omega. Omega gets a head of steam but gets knocked down by a cross chopblock from Jay White. White hits an uppercut and a Saito Suplex for two.

White attempts a Deadlift German Suplex but Omega reverses and hits a Snap Hurricanrana. White rolls out ot the floor. Omega hits Rise of The Terminator.

Omega rolls White back in the ring and hits Kotaro Crusher  for two. Omega hits Aoi Shoudou.  White ducks V-Trigger and Omega flips out of a German Suplex but White hits a Facecrusher and a Deadlift German. White hits a Death Valley Driver for two.

White hits chops and european uppercuts on Omega. White hits a huge running European Uppercut. White goes for it again but eats V-Trigger. White rolls to the Apron and Omega follows. Omega hits a huge kick, knocking White off the apron. Omega drags White out to the crowd, where he powerbombs White onto a row of chairs.

Omega gets back in the ring and drinks water while the referee counts. Jay White beats the 20 count at 18.999. Omega musses Red Shoe’s hair and picks up Jay White. Omega hits the Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega hits a second Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega goes for a third but White fights out and hits a Spinning Wheel Kick to Omega’s back. Omega hits V-Trigger to the back of Jay White but can’t lift him for the One Winged Angel. Omega tries for One Winged Angel but White grabs the ropes. Omega hits a third Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega goes for V-Trigger but White collapses. Kenny slaps the crap out of White and thin hits V-Trigger. Omega hits a Butterfly Piledriver for two.

Omega hits V-Trigger.  Omega hits another V-Trigger. Jay White starts laughing. Omega hits a third V-Trigger for two. White didn’t so much kick out as convulse.

Omega goes for One Winged Angel but White hits a Saito Suplex. White hits a second Saito Suplex. White hits a third Saito Suplex. White goes for a fourth, but Omega fights out. White hits a Half and Half Suplex on Omega. Jay White hits Kiwi Crusher for two.

Jay White attempts Blade Runner but Omega fights out and hits V-Trigger. White hits Blade Runner for two.

Omega hits a reverse Hurricanrana. Omega hits V-Trigger. Omega goes for One Winged Angel but White counters with Blade Runner for the pinfall.


After the match, Hangman Page holds the title belt high and challenge White, but Omega takes the belt from him and hands it to Jay White. Hangman Page gets in Kenny’s face and Cody comes out and says “this is [Page]’s moment.” Scurll enters and now Bullet Club and The Elite are facing off. Kenny shoved Matt Jackson. Kenny is immediately remorseful. The Young Bucks leave angrily. Scurll gets in Omega’s face but they hug. Omega and Page shake hands and then Omega and Cody talk things out. Cody then ATTACKS KENNY OMEGA AND HITS CROSS RHODES!!!!

Scurll and Page try to diffuse the situation but Cody gets a chair and goes to hit Omega but KOTA IBUSHI RUNS THEM OFF AND SAVES HIS FORMER LOVER KENNY OMEGA!!!!!! Kota offers his hand to Kenny and, tears in his eyes, Kenny Omega turns down the handshake. Kenny begins to cry and the two men hug as streamers go off!!!!! The Golden Lovers leave, reunited in Sapporo.


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