Backstage, Shane and Daniel Bryan gloat to Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon because Nakamura won the Rumble.
Raw Tag Team Championship Match: Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins (c) vs The Bar
Cesaro kicks Rollins in the gut and slaps on a hammerlock. Rollins escapes and hits multiple arm drags. Rolling hurricanrana by Rollins. Cesaro tags in Sheamus. Rollins tries to tag in Jordan but Jordan gets distracted by Cesaro. Sheamus and Cesaro trap Rollins in their corner. Power up double kick in the corner by the Bar. Rollins manages to kick Sheamus in the head. Rollins tries to tag in Jordan but Cesaro pulls Jordan off the apron. Cesaro sends Jordan head first into the ring post. Sheamus tries to Brogue Kick Rollins but Rollins moves out of the way. The doctors are checking on Jordan outside the ring. The Bar is punishing Rollins, who is effectively in a handicap match at this point. Jordan waves the doctors away at ringside.
Sheamus tries to hit ten beats of the Bohdren. Rollins manages to stun Sheamus on the top rope. Rollins springboards into the ring but Sheamus catches him in the air. Demolition Decapitation by Sheamus and Cesaro. Rollins kicks out. Backbreaker by Sheamus. Rollins kicks out again. Rollins fires up but the combined might of Sheamus and Cesaro. Rollins counters The Bar’s finish. Rollins sends Cesaro and Sheamus out of the ring. Rollins hits the sling blade and the blockbuster. Rollins hits a suplex but as he tries to hit the falcon arrow Cesaro counters. Rollins lifts Cesaro and finally hits the falcon arrow. Sheamus breaks up the pin. Sheamus sits Rollins on the top rope. Sheamus tries white noise off the top. Rollins fights out of it. Both Cesaro and Sheamus attack Rollins. Rollins knocks Sheamus off the top. Rollins hip tosses Cesaro off the top. Rollins frog splashes Sheamus and Cesaro. Jordan gets on the apron and tags himself in. Jordan stumbles around the ring and tags Rollins right back in. Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Rollins. Sheamus and Cesaro hit their finish on Rollins. It’s over.
Winners and NEW Raw Tag Team Champions, The Bar!