WWE Smackdown Live Results (1/16) New United States Champion Crowned, And Much More!

Backstage, Randy Orton says he is going to win the Rumble for the third time.

Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Naomi vs The Riott Squad

Flair and Morgan lock up. Flair sends Morgan to the mat. Flair women handles Morgan- tossing here around the ring. Morgan kicks Flair in the face. Morgan gloats. Flair lights Morgan up with chops. German suplex by Flair. Morgan tags in Riott. Flair tosses Riott around the ring. Flair tags in Lynch. Flair and Lynch beat down Riot with chops and uppercuts. Naomi tags in and sends Riott to the outside. Naomi tags Lynch back in. Lynch dives off the apron onto Riott. Logan tags in. After a distraction by Morgan, Logan knees Lynch in the head. Basement knee by Logan. Riott tags in and hits a senton off the top. Lynch kicks out.

The heels take turns working on Lynch. Logan tries to throw Lynch over the top rope but Lynch reverses it and sends Logan to the outside. Lynch eventually tags in Naomi, who clears the ring. Naomi lands the disaster kick on Morgan. Morgan gets to her feet but Naomi goes into the Chun-Li kicks. Flair spears Logan. Riott kicks Naomi in the face while the referee is distracted. Morgan hits a modified Code Breaker for the win.

Winners- The Riott Squad


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