SEVENTH MATCH: IWGP Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. “Switchblade” Jay White
Tanahashi arrives looking like his classic 2012-2016 self.
The two lock up to start. White traps Tanahashi in the corner and then breaks clean. White attempts a running kick but Tanahashi dodges. Tanahashi locks White in a headlock and transitions into a hammerlock. White breaks out and works over Tanahashi’s arm. White whips Tanahashi but The Ace hits a flying shoulder. White gets thrown to the apron and then a punch drops him to the floor. Tanahashi attempts to dive on White but gets blocked and appears to hurt his knee. White works over the injured knee on the barricade. Tanahashi rushes White but eats a forearm and a German suplex.
White continues to work over Tanahashi’s injured knee and meets his opponent’s cries of pain with forearms to the face. White continues to wear down the legs. Tanahashi attempts to regroup but keeps getting trapped by the New Zealander.
White unleashes some stiff strikes on Tanahashi but Tanahashi counters a kick with a Dragon Screw to regain a modicum of control. Tanahashi hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Tanahashi hits a Senton for a two count.
Jay White counters a Sling Blade with knees to the back of Tanahashi’s leg. Tana tries to fight back and gets Jay White’s leg trapped in the ropes. Tanahashi hits a Dragon Screw on the ropes, sending White outside the ring. Tanahashi hits High Fly Flow to White on the outside.
White continues to have his veteran opponent scouted and hits a deadlift German suplex. White hits a Suplex on the apron and rolls Tanahashi into the ring. White climbs to the top rope and climbs down. White beats on Tanahashi in the corner and yells “Show Me The Ace!” until Tanahashi smacks him. White hits a Death Valley Driver for two.
White climbs to the top rope but his Missile Dropkick is dodged, and Tanahashi hits a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Jay White attempts a superplex but Tanahashi reverses with a Twist and Shout from the top rope. White counters the Dragon Suplex and gets smacked by Tanahashi. Tanahashi hits Sling Blade for two. Tanahashi hits the High Fly Flow Crossbody but Jay White dodges a second High Fly Flow, landing on his knee. Jay White locks in a Crucifix and elbows Tanahashi. White hits the Kiwi Crusher for two.
Tanahashi hits a Dragon Suplex for two. Tanahashi climbs the top rope as White gets to his feet. Tana slaps White and then hits High Fly Flow, followed by a second for the pinfall.