Suzuki starts the match by daring Goto to strike him. The men exchange forearms and Suzuki locks in the Rear Naked Choke, but Goto breaks free. Suzuki chokes Goto from the top rope. Goto falls to the mat and the doctor checks on him. Goto is unnervingly out cold in the ring. Suzuki grabs Goto and throws him out of the ring. He slaps Goto and then forearms him into the barricade. Suzuki strikes Goto more and then grabs a chair. Suzuki smashes Goto’s back with the chair, which if nothing at least gets Goto moving again. The referee takes the chair from Suzuki while the doctor attempts to help Goto to his feet. Goto crawls back into the ring.
Goto finally rises to his feet and fearlessly chops at the chest of Minoru Suzuki, but Suzuki drops Goto with a punch. Goto continues to fight back but Suzuki has a receipt for every strike. Goto struggles to whip Suzuki into the corner and hits a running bulldog, both men are down.
Goto hits a suplex for two. Goto gets to his feet and forearms Suzuki relentlessly. Goto attempts the Ushiguroshi but Suzuki transitions into a front choke, transitions into a rear naked choke and then attempts the Gotch Piledriver, but Goto reverses with Ushiguroshi. Suzuki-gun attempt to storm the ring, but the Young Lions hold them back. Taichi shows up with a chair but is fought off by Yoshi-Hashi. Goto strikes Taichi but the distraction leads to Suzuki hitting a dropkick on Goto.
After a strike battle, Suzuki locks in the Rear Naked Choke. Goto tries to power out of the move but passes out. Before the referee can stop the match, Suzuki transitions to a Gotch Piledriver but Goto reverses.
The two battle to the top rope where Suzuki hits a headbutt and then locks in a front facelock, blood from Goto’s mouth streaming onto Minoru’s leg, but Goto transitions into an Avalanche Ushiguroshi. for a two count.
Suzuki and Goto have a chop duel and Goto drops Suzuki with a headbutt. Goto hits a reverse GTR and then hits GTR for the pinfall.
After the match, Suzuki grabbed a chair, sat down, and shaved his own head.
SIXTH MATCH: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion Marty Scurll vs. KUSHIDA vs. Will Ospreay vs. Hiromu Takahashi.
Scurll rolls out of the ring to start. Ospreay knocks out Takahashi and gets into a duel of acrobatics with KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA attempts a pin but Scurll breaks it. Hiromu tries a roll up but KUSHIDA breaks it. Ospreay delivers Hurricanranas to all of his opponents. Scurll floors Will, and then stomps on Hiromu’s fingers, followed by a dropkick. Scurll teases a dive but hits an apron run kick on Hiromu. KUSHIDA hits a leaping senton onto all of the competitors at ringside, just beyond the barricade. The four men fight into the crowd.
Ospreay climbs scaffolding and hits a moonsault onto everybody. He rolls KUSHIDA into the ring and locks the ringside barricade gate. The Aerial Assasin attempts a standing shooting star press but KUSHIDA counters with a small package for two.
KUSHIDA counters a dive with an armbar. Scurll makes it into the ring and rolls up KUSHIDA and then stomps on his hand. Scurll hits two DDTs on Ospreay. Scurll locks Will in the Chickenwing, KUSHIDA locks Hiromu in the Hoverboard Lock. Scurll lets go and superkicks KUSHIDA.
Everyone hits very flashy kicks on each other and then there is a series of running lariats that sees all four men down in the ring. All four fight to their knees and exchange punches, turning into a blurring pile of fists. Scurll counters the Oscutter with a Chickenwing and KUSHIDA break it up with a moonsault. KUSHIDA attempts Back To The Future but Hiromu blocks it, causing KUSHIDA to spike himself on his head.
After a breathtaking series of nearfalls, Scurll hits the Oscutter on Ospreay. Scurll gets out of the ring and grabs a bag of tape. Scurll ties Hiromu to the barricade.
In the ring, Will, Marty & KUSHIDA end up on the top rope. Marty is knocked off and KUSHIDA hits an Avalanche Armbar on Ospreay. KUSHIDA transitions into a Triangle Choke but Ospreay reverses with a powerbomb.
Scurll grabs more tape, assaults Hiromu, and grabs a handful of white powder. Scurll blinds KUSHIDA but KUSHIDA still hits Back To The Future but the pinfall is broken by Ospreay. Hiromu breaks free and nearly kills Ospreay with a Sunset Bomb and then Scurll as well. Hiromu hits Timebomb on Scurll for 2.9999
Hiromu attempts Timebomb again, but Scurll tries to use the Chickenwing, but catches a boot to the jaw. Scurll and Ospreay team up to beat down KUSHIDA and Hiromu but Hiromu counters. Hiromu hits a missile dropkick on Ospreay. Hiromu hits a Death Valley Driver on Scurll on the apron. KUSHIDA hits Hiromu with a Sunset Bomb. Ospreay hits a Shooting Star onto KUSHIDA and Hiromu. Ospreay hits an inverted 450 splash for 2.999999. Hiromu dodges the Oscutter and hits Timebomb but the referee is pulled out of the ring by Scurll. Scurll hits KUSHIDA and Hiromu with the umbrella but Ospreay counters with a Spanish Fly and an Oscutter for the pinfall.