From Dagger Dias
My wrestling Christmas Wish would be for WWE to give up on the rumored plans for Roman VS Brock for the Universal Championship at Wrestlemania. There’s better options that would benefit everyone involved whether it be the fans, the wrestlers, and even WWE as a business.
I would start by having Brock lose the Universal Championship. They already have the triple threat planned where he defends against Kane and Strowman. That’s fine. Strowman should win this match. Brock can still face Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. It just does not have to have the Universal Championship involved in order for it to be a high profile match, let alone rumors of the Intercontinental Championship also getting dragged into the mix. The storyline is already there. They both defeated Undertaker at Wrestlemania so one could challenge the other to a non-title match and it would still generate a ton of interest. Vince gets Roman VS Brock, we as fans still get a Universal Championship match that can actually matter, and the WWE makes money. Everyone wins. Problem solved.
So where does this leave Strowman and the Universal Championship if he wins at the Rumble? Depends on if they go with a longer or short reign with Strowman. For a long reign we can get the dominant monster type of champion they wanted Brock to be, only now on a full-time basis, with Strowman. If they did go this route then while Strowman defends at multiple PPV events they need to be building up somebody, NOT Reigns, to dethrone him. For a shorter reign they could give a Wrestlemania moment to the challenger by having him win the title there. Having someone like Finn Balor or Seth Rollins be the challenger would be good. My preference would be Seth although it would be big for Finn if it was him. These guys need opportunities. If Roman still has the Intercontinental Championship while this is going on, he could be working on making that belt relevant.
That’s far better than the WWE forcing another big moment for Reigns on the fans when it’s highly unnecessary. Roman VS Brock for the Universal and possibly Intercontinental Championship as well at Wrestlemania is a horrible idea. It’s made the Raw singles division stars have virtually nothing to do in the past year. So, that is what I wish for. If the WWE gave up on this awful idea and do not go through with it, it will open up the doors for far better ideas whether they go with my Strowman VS Seth or Strowman VS Finn ideas at Wrestlemania or not. A fan can dream.
From Fire Marshall Bill:
Get rid of scripted promos. Some people they help. Some people they hurt. But everyone is limited by them. Take away the scripts and at most leave them bullet points. I understand WWE is run by control freaks. I also know that some wrestler going off the deep end could mean serious fines from the FCC and possibly scaring away their biggest target audience, children (though there is a delay, even in live TV). I just feel that it raises the ceiling on every wrestler’s potential popularity. It also allows wrestlers to get over much more naturally.
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