From Jack-Hammer:
It’s hard to narrow it down to just one thing but if I had to pick just one, I’d probably go for Vince McMahon giving up the creative reins of WWE.
Like many others, I rag on Vince sometimes and, truth be told, he doesn’t deserve it at times while at other times he does. If he stayed CEO, I’d be perfectly fine if he just sat Triple H down and said that he had full creative control of WWE; Vince has shown that he still does just fine in the corporate aspect of things, that’s never really been in doubt, but his creative choices are a total crapshoot at times. I’m not saying that Triple H is some savior who’s not gonna make mistakes, from our perspective as fans, sometimes, but I just see how things operate in NXT and I know that I’m not the only one who wants to see more of that brought to the main roster. With NXT, there’s no real filler, they make the most of the time they have, and they treat the product with a more serious tone; for instance, they don’t have grown men dressed as reindeer, Santa Claus and a snowman wrestling in tag team matches in NXT.
Rather than a Superstar Shakeup, I think the company is more in need of a creative shakeup. Triple H is head of WWE creative in job title only because the true head of creative has always been Vince McMahon. The notion of Vince no longer making those decisions or being gone from the company altogether might seem scary to some in WWE and would no doubt rock the wrestling world, but it’s gonna happen sooner or later no matter how many PEDs he takes or how often he hits the gym; Vince McMahon is going to die someday despite any sort of joking proclamations to the contrary and/or something will happen, whether it’s injury or illness, that ultimately forces him to step down.
From Mitch Henessey:
A heel turn for Bayley.
They could do something, where she just snaps and reaches a point of frustration, because she’s tired of being too nice. The fans had the audacity to boo someone with a halo over her head, and it drove her nuts. I could easily picture Bayley being more whiny, sneaky, and petulant, I’m A Meanie t-shirts, and Bayley flat out refusing to go back to her old ways (“No hugs for you, you, and you!”). She needs some kind of spark, and turning her face again somewhere down the line with an “I just lost my way for a while” explanation could rejuvenate her current character.
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