WWE Smackdown Live Results (12/5) Orton Takes on Zayn, Huge Matches Booked For Clash of Champions, More!

Randy Orton vs Sami Zayn w/Kevin Owens

Owens is handcuffed to the ropes. Orton traps Zayn in the corner. Orton lays into him. Orton tosses Zayn out of the ring. Orton throws Zayn over the announce desk. Backdrop onto the barricade by Orton. Orton tries to drop Zayn on the desk but Zayn backflips out of it and runs over by Owens. Zayn chops Orton a few times. Orton shrugs it off and floors Zayn with a European uppercut. Orton drops Zayn on the announce desk. Owens distracts Orton long enough for Zayn to baseball slide Orton. Zayn sends Orton into the ring steps. Zayn rolls Orton back into the ring for a pin attempt. Zayn only gets a two count.

After the break, Zayn bad mouths Orton before sending him into the corner. Orton explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Powerslam by Orton. Zayn rolls to the apron. Orton tries to set up a hangman’s DDT. Zayn counters with a jawbreaker. Zayn pulls bolt cutters from under the ring. Zayn tries to free Owens but Orton attacks him from behind. Orton sends Owens head first into the ring post. Zayn attacks Orton from behind. Zayn goes up top but Orton cuts him off. Superplex by Orton. Owens is trying to free himself with the bolt cutters. Owens breaks the chain but walks right into a clothesline from Orton. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Owens distracts Orton. Zayn rolls up Orton from behind. Orton kicks out. Zayn misses the Helluva Kick. Orton rolls up Zayn and gets the pin.

Winner- Randy Orton

After the match, Owens and Zayn attack Orton. Shinsuke Nakamura hits the ring and makes the save. Kinshasa by Nakamura to Owens. Orton RKOs Zayn. Orton and Nakamura shake hands. Nakamura picks up Owens and tosses him to Orton for an RKO. Orton holds up Zayn so Nakamura can obliterate him with the Kinshasa.

Backstage, Bryan asks Shane if he is done punishing Owens and Zayn. Shane says he is just starting Shane names himself the referee for the tag match at Clash of Champions. If Owens and Zayn lose not only are they fired from Smackdown, they are fired from WWE as a whole.

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