WWE NXT Results (9/20) Aleister Black Speaks, Huge Tag Team Main Event, And More!

During a taped segment, Dakota Kai stakes her claim for the NXT Women’s Championship.

No Way Jose vs Lars Sullivan

As soon as the bell rings Jose is all over Sullivan. Jose hits the ropes and attempts a cross body but Sullivan shrugs it off like it was nothing. Sullivan tosses Jose to the outside. Sullivan slams Jose into the ring apron. Sullivan press slams Jose onto the ring apron. Sullivan tosses Jose into the ring. Sullivan locks in a neck vice. As the crowd claps Jose fires up. Jose hops on Sullivan’s back and slaps on a sleeper. Sullivan drives Jose into the corner. Jose tries to shoulder block Sullivan but it does zero damage. Sullivan runs over Jose with a shoulder block of his own. Sullivan goes up top… yes, this actually happened… and hits a diving headbutt. Sullivan picks up Jose with a modified uranage suplex for the win.

Winner- Lars Sullivan