WWE RAW Results (7/24) Huge Title Matches Set for SummerSlam, Jason Jordan’s In Ring Debut, Rollins and Ambrose Take on Miz and the Miztourage!

In Ring Segment: Enzo Amore

Enzo says the key that starts his engine is all of the WWE Universe. Enzo dances around the ring while making, even more, race/car analogies before quoting Drake and holy crap I think I give up. Okay, Enzo quickly goes on to say that there is only one word to describe Big Cass SAWFT.

Enzo Amore vs Big Cass

Enzo dropkicks Cass in the knee. Enoz attempts a dropkick but Cass swats it away. Enzo manages to lock in a sleeper. Cass drives Enzo into the corner. Cas droves Enzo down tot he mat. Cass lands a few elbows followed by a boot to Enzo’s gut. Cass slams Enzo head first into the turnbuckle. Running boot by Cass. It’s a wrap.

Winner- Big Cass

After the match, Cass beats down Enzo. Big Show walks to the ring. Cass threatens to snap Enzo’s neck is Show gets in the ring. Naturally, Show gets in the ring anyway. Cass pushes Enzo into Show. Cass boots Show in the face. Cass lands multiple empire elbows.

Backstage, Alexa Bliss says she is waiting to watch two best friends rip each other apart tonight. Bayley and Banks are fighting to have the honor of losing to her at SummerSlam.