(Photo by Alexander Tamargo/WireImage)

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer Says GFW’s “Impact Is the Best Sports-Entertainment in Orlando”

buddy dyer

As noted, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer was present at last night’s GFW Impact TV tapings, and GFW issued the following press release touting the Mayor’s appearance:

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer Declares “IMPACT WRESTLING DAY IN ORLANDO” On July 5, 2017

“IMPACT is the best sports-entertainment in Orlando.” – Mayor Buddy Dyer

Orlando (July 5, 2017) – Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer was the special guest Wednesday night at The Impact Zone on the backlot of Universal Studios Florida for the taping of an upcoming episode of IMPACT Wrestling, which airs in more than 120 countries worldwide.

Mayor Dyer read the official proclamation declaring “IMPACT WRESTLING DAY IN ORLANDO” inside the GFW/IMPACT Wrestling six-sided ring, and then served as the Special Ring Announcer for a six-man match.

Mayor Dyer, wearing an IMPACT Wrestling t-shirt, was joined in the ring before and after the match by fellow Orlando resident Tony Marrero, who is a survivor from the tragic shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando on June 12, 2016. Marrero also was the special guest of GFW/IMPACT Wrestling on July 3, for the company’s emotional tribute: “Remembering Pulse Nightclub, 1 Year Later.”

Dyer said it was “fantastic” serving as the Special Ring Announcer. “The action was super, fast, furious, unexpected,” he said.

“IMPACT is the best sports-entertainment in Orlando.”

Dyer was greeted upon his arrival at The Impact Zone by Jeff Jarrett, the company’s Chief Creative Officer, and Dyer posed for photos with most of the wrestlers, referees and front-office staff. “Da Pope” D’Angelo Dinero insisted on taking a selfie with The Mayor.

“What an honor it was to welcome Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer to The Impact Zone during Slammiversary Week as GFW/IMPACT Wrestling celebrates its 15-year anniversary,” Jarrett said. “The Mayor was a natural as our Ring Announcer. We’re excited to have Mayor Dyer back again at The Impact Zone, and who knows what he’ll do at that time.

“Mayor Dyer’s appearance was just another memorable moment during Slammiversary Week at The Impact Zone, arguably our best stretches ever. Good thing we have some great things planned for the next GFW/IMPACT Wrestling stretch in Orlando, which includes a live IMPACT on Pop on Thursday, Aug. 17.”

GFW/IMPACT Wrestling has filmed most of its weekly, two-hour TV show over the past 15 years on the backlot at Universal Studios Florida, dubbed The Impact Zone. This was the first time Mayor Dyer has attended an IMPACT Wrestling show.


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