Davey Richards vs Kumar
Richards kicks Kumar in the chest over and over again. Kumar manages to catch Richards with a boot to the head. Kumar tries a sunset flip but Richards stomps on him. Kumar sends Richards to the outside. Kumar attempts an outside dive but Richards moves out of the way. Richards sets Kumar on the top rope. Kumar knocks Richards off the top rope. Kumar misses a moonsault. Richards hits the PK. Richards locks in the ankle lock. Kumar has no choice but to tap out.
Winner- Davey Richards
As Richards is walking up the ramp EC3 walks out with a belt in his hand. EC3 whips Kumar with the belt over and over again. “Cowboy” James Storm hits the ring to make the save.
Backstage, Eli Drake tells Prichard that he obviously has a problem with him. There is no way Moose should have won the second round of their Grand Championship match last week. Chris Adonis walks in and tells Drake to calm down. Adonis ask Prichard to give them the world title shots later tonight. Prichard says he will think about it.