
The Velveteen Dream Debuts On NXT, Asuka Comments On Passing Goldberg’s Streak, Charlotte Checks In From Licensing Expo


The above video features “The Velveteen Dream” Patrick Clark making his long-awaited debut on NXT against Robert Anthony (Egotistico Fantastico). The match was taped for this week’s episode of NXT at NXT Takeover: Chicago this past weekend.

Licensing Expo

Charlotte Flair posted the following photo of herself and father Ric Flair at the International Licensing Expo at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. WWE also has Kurt Angle and Mojo Rawley at the event:


Asuka posted the following Tweet acknowledging her current undefeated winning streak, which is also longer than Goldberg’s infamous win streak in WCW.

Goldberg’s win streak was touted at 173 wins but that number was later revealed to be an inflated figure; the actual number was 157 wins but Asuka has already eclipsed them both. Asuka currently sits at 177 wins with matches in both NXT and WWE live events. 

Goldberg later responded with the following: