WWE RAW Results (5/22): Big Tag Team Main Event, Bálor vs Anderson, Heyman Returns, Hardys Pick Extreme Rules Stipulation & More!

Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt

Wyatt and Reigns lock up. Reigns puts Wyatt in a side headlock. Reigns hits the ropes and attempts a shoulder block but Wyatt doesn’t go down. Reigns whips Wyatt into the corner but Wyatt bends back in the spider pose. Reigns tosses Wyatt to the outside. Reing punches Wyatt into the crowd. Reigns rolls Wyatt back into the ring. As soon as Reigns gets in the ring Wyatt stomps him. Wyatt lands a sick uranage suplex for a near fall. Wyatt works over Reigns’ ribs. Wyatt charges Reigns but explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Reigns hits the ropes and runs right into a Bray body block. Samoa Joe comes to the ring and yells at Wyatt. Reigns gets to his feet and Joe puts him in the Coquina clutch.

Winner- Roman Reigns (DQ)

After the match, Reigns backs Joe into the corner to break the hold. Wyatt starts to attack Reigns. Joe puts Wyatt in the Coquina clutch. Rollins runs to the ring and beats down Joe. Reigns Superman Punches Wyatt.

After the commercial break, Reigns tells Rollins he didn’t need his help. Rollins says he was out there for Joe. Angle walks in and books Rollins and Reigns vs Wyatt and Joe for the main event. Reigns and Rollins walk away. The Drifter walks in strumming his guitar. Angle says he knows that he has been trying to get his attention. Now he’s got it. Angle book the Drifter in a match against Dean Ambrose tonight.


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