WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover Chicago Results (5/20): Huge Ladder Match Main Event, New Champion Crowned!

Young rolls Strong into the ring for a pin attempt. Strong somehow kicks out! Young pounds on Strong. Young mounts the top rope. Strong tries to cut him off. Young knocks Strong off the top rope. Massive top rope flying elbow drop by Young. It isn’t enough to keep Strong down for the three count. young sets up the wheelbarrow neck breaker but Strong reverses it into a pin. Dain and Wolfe get on the apron but Strong knocks them both off. Strong almost hit the Angle slam but Young racks Strong’s eyes. Strong tries to superplex Young but Young fights Strong off. Strong kicks Young off the top rope. Young lands on Dain and Wolfe. Young gets in the ring and Strong almost knee strikes his head off his shoulders. Strong picks up Young for a suplex and twist Young into a release double knee back breaker for the win!

Winner- Roderick Strong

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross will be a guest commentator for the next match.

WWE United Kingdom Championship Match: Tyler Bate (c) vs Pete Dunne

Dunnes goes behind Bate and takes him down to the mat. Front chancery by Dunne. Bate reverses it into a wristlock.  Dunne takes Bate over into head scissors. Bate tries to head stand out of it. Dunne goes underneath and takes Bate down in an arm bar into a top wrist lock. Bate stands out of it, rolls, front flips, and dropkicks Dunne. Dunne rolls out of the ring to collect himself. Bate follows Dunne but Dunne explodes into a roaring forearm. Dunne tries to step on Bate’s hand on the ring steps but Bate avoids it and punches Dunne in the face. Dunne catches Bate with another stiff elbow. Xplex onto the apron by Dunne.



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