Impact Wrestling Results (5/18): Low-Ki Defends the X-Division Championship in Ultimate X, and Much More!

EC3 vs “Cowboy” James Storm

Storm runs into the ring but EC3 hightails out of there. As Storm talks to the referee EC3 tries to attack him from behind. Storm avoids the assault and beats down EC3 in the corner. The referee tells Storm to back away. EC3 rakes Storm’s back. EC3 whips Storm into the corner. EC3 works over Storm’s injured back. Storm fires up and back body drops EC3. EC3 begs off in the corner. EC3 kicks Storm in the knee. EC3 locks in a rear chin lock. Storm tries to fight out of it but EC3 slams Storm down to the mat head first. EC3 hits a Macho Man style running high knee that sends Storm tumbling to the outside. EC3 brings Storm back in the ring. Stinger splash bu EC3. EC3 back body drops Storm over the top but Storm lands on his feet. Storm pulls EC3 down and kicks him in the face.

Storm drapes EC3 on the barricade. Storm grabs a belt from the announce desk. Magnus (who was at the commentary desk) gets in Storm’s face and stops him from hitting EC3. Prichard and security come to ringside and eject Magnus. After a short break, EC3 has Storm in a modified camel clutch. Storm makes it to his feet but EC3 slaps him in the back of the head. Storm fires up and hits an inverted atomic drop, a head kick, and a leaping neck breaker. Storm goes up top but EC3 cuts him off, crotching him on the top rope. EC3 hits the TK3. EC3 rolls out of the ring and grabs the belt. EC3 picks up Storm and TK3s him again. EC3 knocks out the referee (for some reason that defies all logic). EC3 pulls up the referee’s shirt and whips him with the belt. The bell rings (again, for some reason that defies all logic- the referee was out. Who called for the bell?)

Winner- James Storm

EC3 whiffs on a punch and eats a backstabber from Storm. Magnus appears and attacks Storm. Magnus and EC3 argue in the ring. Prichard comes to the ring and says he is we are going to have a three-way match to determine the number one contender at Slammiversary. Prichard gets in EC3’s face and tells him he needs to go in the back and find his balls (wait, what?) EC3 pushes Prichard down to the ground.


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