Jada Toys WWE Metals Die Cast: Kevin Owens, The Rock, Sami Zayn, Sasha Banks and Triple H (Photos)

Today we take a look at the Jada Toys WWE Metals Die Cast: Kevin Owens, The Rock, Sami Zayn, Sasha Banks and Triple H figures! You can find them at Toys R Us currently and on some online retailers. This wave, minus Triple H, has just hit retail shelves if you’re looking to add some of them to your collection. You can see a review of the first set here.

I really love the animated style of these and the fact they’re small, probably 4″ tall or so. These figures don’t have any articulation minus a swivel waist joint. They look like they have more but they’re made out of metal so that’s where their parts are sealed. Each figure comes with a display stand as well. Triple H is the only 6″ figure while the others are 4″ tall. You’ll notice the back of the box is different for some of them as these are kind of randomly released in that there’s no specific lineup from what it looks like, although those shown on the back are supposed to be releasing very soon.

We’ll take a look at Kevin Owens first, probably my favorite in this “set.” That being said looking at KO you can see he’s in a fighting pose with his hands up. He looks a bit angry, which is typical. I feel they captured his emotions/character quite well. He lacks the detail on his shorts but at least he has “KO” on his shirt. The Bayley and AJ seen on KO’s box are releasing soon, AJ is at least. I haven’t heard anything on Bayley just yet, but AJ should be out very soon.

Looking at Rock next I feel they captured him quite well. His pose reminds me a bit of the one he does on the turnbuckle during his entrance but I’m not sure if that’s what they were going for or just a fighting stance. There’s a variant of this figure that came in a WWE Slam Crate a few months ago with a shirt on. The detail on Rock is great, especially his tattoo work. They did a great job, especially on a small figure, putting this amount of detail into it. He also has the graphics on trunks.

Taking a look at Sami Zayn next, this figure has gotten some critiques from people on social media. I’ve seen a lot of people say it looks like Wade Barrett, which I understand a bit but once he’s out of the box I feel it looks a lot like Zayn. His pose is kind of odd but it goes along with the angry expression on his face. The only details really lacking on Zayn are the Arabic and white on his boots, otherwise the S and Z designs are on his tights, which is cool. You have to remember these figures are stylized so they won’t necessarily have all the details the regular action figures do. On the back of Zayn’s box you’ll see Rollins, Charlotte and a 6″ Roman Reigns figure. Rollins and Sasha are supposed to be releasing with AJ very soon so look for an upcoming review of them in the near future. Not sure on a release of Roman at this time, but I’m sure people may not be as interested in that one haha.

Moving on to Sasha, probably my second favorite in the set. They did a great job on her figure. There’s a lot of detail in her attire as well as her accessories from her glasses to her brass knuckles that say “Legit” and “Boss.” She’s in her entrance pose, which is great for display purposes. Her glasses even have the engravings to create the illusion of her shutter-style glasses. I assume this one will probably fly off the shelves first as it’s pretty legit.

Lastly we’ll look at Triple H, the first 6″ figure released in the WWE Metals line. He has been out for a few months now and can be found at Toys R Us as well. This figure also comes with a die cast WWE title, which is awesome. It latches onto the figures much like the old Jakks WWE belts did where you can adjust the sizes with latches. The belt will be in scale with Mattel figures, too, which gives collectors a much higher end style title for their figures. I’m not sure why Jada chose to make certain characters in 6″ form as they obviously are out of scale with the others, but they’re still really cool. At least the new Roman will be in scale with him. You can see the detail in Triple H’s hair and his attire. I think the likeness is pretty spot on, too.

Overall, these figures are pretty cool if you like the cartoon, animated style. I’ve always liked cartoon style versions of figures so I personally enjoy these. These are made of metal obviously so they’re kind of heavy and not really meant for play in my opinion, more so display. As said before you can get them currently at Toys R Us and some online retailers like Amazon I believe. The 4″ figures retail for $10 while the 6″ figures retail for $20. The next few coming out very soon are Seth Rollins, Charlotte and AJ Styles, so be sure to keep an eye out for a review of those in the near future. If you’d like to stay up to date on when those officially release be sure to follow my wrestling figure news Twitter account.

Thanks for checking out this exclusive review! Look for a new review this Friday on Figure Friday featuring the WWE Elite 50 Rhyno figure!


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