Kongo Kong w/Laurel Van Ness vs William Weeks
Before the match, Van Ness pushes up on Weeks. Weeks says no thank you. Van Ness yells at Kongo to kill Weeks. Kongo stomps Weeks in the corner. Corner splash by Kongo. Running clothesline followed by a chokeslam into a backbreaker. Kong goes to pin Weeks but Van Ness yells again. Kongo does it two more times. Kongo drags Weeks into the corner by his mouth. Corner cannonball + top rope splash equals another victory for Kongo Kong.
Winner- Kongo Kong
After the match, Braxton Sutter and Allie come to the ring. Sutter gets in the ring and attacks Kong. Sutter clotheslines Kong over the top rope but Kong landed on his feet. Van Ness tells Kong to stop. Van Ness pushes Kong to the back.
Alberto El Patron vs Eli Drake w/Tyrus (Winner gets a shot at the GFW Title)
Drake goes behind Patron and slaps him in the back of the head. Patron chase Drake. Drake gets to the ropes. Patron doesn’t let up. Drake runs up the ramp as Patron gives chase. Patron tosses Drake down the ramp. Patron whips Drake into the barricade and ring apron. Tyrus picks Patron’s leg while he is on the apron. The referee sees it and ejects Tyrus from ringside. Drake suplexes Patron on the ramp. Drake ends up getting back body dropped out to the apron. Patron kicks Drake’s legs, which causes Drake to fall face first on the apron. Suicide dive by Patron.