Magnus kicks Morgan’s leg out from under him. Magnus tries to lock in the cloverleaf but Morgan fights him off. Magnus changes course and locks in the figure four leg lock. Morgan breaks the hold. Morgan fires up and hits a few clotheslines and elbows. Running corner splash followed by a sidewalk slam by Morgan. Morgan calls for the chokeslam. Magnus fights him off. Magnus goes up top and dives off. Morgan catches him and chokeslams him. Magnus gets his foot on the rope before the referee can count to three. Morgan hits a leaping carbon footprint. Magnus rolls out of the ring. Morgan is writhing in pain on the mat. Magnus brings the title into the ring. The referee takes the belt away from Magnus. Magnus low blows Morgan, picks him up and drops him in a Michinoku driver, then hits the top rope elbow for the win.
Winner and STILL GFW Champion, Magnus!
Backstage, Bobby Lashley says everyone can fight over the GFW title because it is actually attainable.
At the Clubhouse, LAX is giving a moment of silence for Decay after what happened to them last week. Next week they are going to have a funeral procession for Decay.