WWE RAW Results (4/10): Multiple SmackDown Live Stars Move to Raw, Strowman Obliterates Reigns, Champion vs Champion Main Event!

The Miz w/Maryse vs Sami Zayn

Miz levels Zayn with a back elbow. Zayn springboard leap frogs over Miz, then lands multiple arm drags. Miz ends up on the outside of the ring. Zayn hits the ropes to dive but Miz pulls Maryse in front of him like a human shield. Zayn backflips off the ropes instead of diving to the outside. After a short break, Miz is working a rear chin lock on Zayn. Zayn fights out of it, but Miz hits a backbreaker into a neck breaker combo for a near fall. Miz tries to superplex Zayn, but Zayn pushes Miz off the top rope. Before Zayn can attack Miz rushes him. Zayn dives over Miz but Miz manages to hit a DDT for another near fall. Miz kicks Zayn in the chest over and over again as the crowd chants yes. As Miz goes for a knockout blow, Zayn pops up and reverses the last kick into the blue thunder bomb. Miz kicks out at 2.5. Zayn sets up the helluva kick, but Maryse pulls Miz out of the way. Zayn chases Miz around the ring. As Zayn tries to get back in the ring, Maryse grabs Zayn’s leg. Miz tries to hit the skull crushing finale, but Zayn reversed it into a roll-up for the win.

Winner- Sami Zayn