WWE RAW Results (4/10): Multiple SmackDown Live Stars Move to Raw, Strowman Obliterates Reigns, Champion vs Champion Main Event!

Eight Man Tag Match: The Hardy Boyz, Cesaro, and Sheamus vs Gallows, Anderson, and The Shining Stars

Before the match starts, Elias Samson is wondering around by the commentary desk for some reason.

Matt locks in an arm bar on Primo. Jeff dives off the top with an ax handle. Primo tags in Anderson. Sheamus is in and he picks up Anderson and hits a rolling senton. Cesaro jumps in and destroys Anderson with a double foot stomp. After multiple splashes in the corner, Cesaro gets a two count after a cross body off the top. After a short break, Gallows has a side headlock on Cesaro. Cesaro fights out of it but ends up in the wrong corner. Anderson and Gallows hit a reverse 3D. Sheamus breaks up the pin, but Primo grabs Sheamus from behind and hits the backstabber. Cesaro tags in Matt, how slams Epico’s head into the top turnbuckle over and over again. Running bulldog by Matt. Primo tries to save Epico but he runs right into a side effect by Matt. Matt sets up the twist of fate, but Gallows kicks him in the face. Jeff hits the ring and hits the twist of fate on Gallows. Jeff and Matt hit poetry in motion to the outside onto all of the heels. Matt hits a twist of fate on Epico. Jeff hits the swanton for the win.

Winners- The Hardy Boyz, Cesaro, and Sheamus.

Backstage, Dana Brooke is reading a book called “Be Your Own Protege”. Emma walks in and tells Brooke to come on. Brooke says she isn’t interested Emma… if that is her real name. Emma says Brooke would never have been on Raw if it wasn’t for her. Brooke calls Emma Emmalina and Emma quickly corrects Brooke. Brooke says while Emma was having her identity crisis the women’s division has gotten better. Brooke says she may not be the best, but she is making strides to stand on her own two feet.