WrestleMania 33 Results (4/2): The Hardys Return, New Champions Crowned, Whose Yard is it Now?

Kickoff Pre-show- Intercontinental Championship Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs Baron Corbin

Corbin floors Ambrose with a stiff clothesline. Corbin tries a corner attack but Ambrose moves out of the way. Corbin slides under the rope, but Ambrose hits a suicide dive. Ambrose tries to bulldog Corbin, but Corbin tosses him back first into the ring post. Corbin stops Ambrose in the corner. Ambrose tries to fight back, but Corbin hits an STO for a two count. Corbin tosses Ambrose to the outside. Corbin slams Ambrose back first into the barricade. Corbin tries a suplex, but Ambrose reverses it. Ambrose almost hits Dirty Deeds, but Ambrose pushes Ambrose into the corner. Corbin locks in a neck vice. Ambrose fights out of it. Corbin tries a running shoulder block, but Ambrose moves out of the way. Corbin goes flying shoulder first into the ring post.

Ambrose goes up top for an elbow drop, but Corbin hits him in the chest in mid-air. Corbin sits Ambrose on the top rope for a superplex. Ambrose fights Corbin off. Ambrose almost hits Dirty Deeds but Corbin escapes to the outside. Ambrose tries to dive to the outside but Corbin catches him with a right hand. Corbin charges at Ambrose, but Ambrose moves out of the way. Corbin runs head-first into the ring steps. Ambrose hits a top rope ax handle to the outside. Ambrose catches Corbin with a neck breaker. Corbin tries the deep six, but Ambrose reverses it. Ambrose bounces off the ropes for the lunatic lariat, but Corbin catches him with a boot to the face. Deep six by Ambrose for a two count. Corbin argues with the referee. Ambrose lands the lunatic lariat. Ambrose tries the Dirty Deeds, but Corbin reverses it into a powerbomb. Corbin yells at Ambrose that he is leaving with the title. Corbin sets up the End of Day, but Ambrose reversed it into the Dirty Deeds for the win!

Winners and STILL Intercontinental Champion, Dean Ambrose!


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