WWE 205 Live Results (2/21): Kendrick Outsmarts Tozawa, Noam Dar In-Action, Gallagher vs Nese

– We get a vignette for Austin Aries!

Jack Gallagher Backstage Interview: 

Third Match: Jack Gallagher vs. Tony Nese 

Nese with a waist lock takedown. Gallagher responds with a single leg takedown. Gallagher tries to hyperextend the shoulder of Nese. Gallagher applies a modified kimura lock. Gallagher plays mind games with Nese. Gallagher floats over into a front facelock. Nese backs Gallagher to the corner. Nese with a leg lariat to the back of the head of Gallagher. Nese with a running back elbow across the chest of Gallagher. Nese with a crossface to Gallagher. Gallagher responds with a series of forearm strikes. Nese tosses Gallagher out of the ring. Nese cartwheels off the ring apron. Nese SuperKicks Gallagher. Nese rolls Gallagher back into the ring.

Nese drags Gallagher to the middle of the ring. Nese goes into the ground and pound attack. Gallagher applies a body scissors hold. Nese sends Gallagher head to canvas. Nese launches Gallagher sternum first to the turnbuckles. Nese with the cover for a two count. Nese steps on Gallagher ribs. Nese bodyslams Gallagher. Nese follows that with a leg drop for a two count. Nese talks smack to Gallagher. Gallagher uppercuts Nese. Gallagher lands two consecutive dropkicks.

Gallagher with a running crossbody for a two count. Gallagher rolls Nese up for a two count. Gallagher headbutt’s the chest of Nese. Nese goes for the sit-out powerbomb, but Gallagher counters with the sunset flip for a two count. Gallagher lands a vicious headbutt. Nese places Gallagher on the top rope. Gallagher with headbutt the gets Nese trapped in the tree of woe. Nese lands a big german suplex, but is still trapped in the tree of woe. Gallagher connects with a belly to back superplex. Gallagher with a running corner dropkick to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jack Gallagher 

Thank you guys so much for checking out my coverage of this week’s WWE 205 Live. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

You can follow me on Twitter @NotoriousJoshie 

Check out Episode 43 of the Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast.

The Hoots Podcast #43 - The Road To Fastlane Continues


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