Strong charges Almas in the corner, but Almas gets his boot up. Almas goes up top, but Strong picks him up off the top rope and destroys him with a back breaker. Almas goes behind Strong and hits a German suplex. Roll through powerbomb by Almas for another near fall. Almas and Strong trade elbows. Almas lands a stiff knee to Strong’s face. Strong ends up in the corner. Almas calls for the running double knees. Strong catches Almas with a running knee before Almas gets there. Strong goes for another back breaker, but Almas reverses it into a modified rings of Saturn. Strong manages to get to the bottom rope. Almas sets up for another top rope moonsault, but Strong crotches him on the top rope. Strong back breakers Almas on to the top turnbuckle. Almas somehow manages to kick out. Strong calls for the gut buster, but Almas reverse it into the hammerlock DDT. Strong reverses it but ends up running into a hip toss into the corner. Almas hits the run double knees, but Strong kicks out. Almas misses a strike and eats the sick kick for the win.
Winner- Roderick Strong