WWE 205 Live Results (1/24): Alexander vs Neville, Tripp Bradshaw?, Tony Nese Lays Out TJP

Neville with a running forearm strike in the corner for a two count. Neville rams his elbow across the chest of Alexander. Neville grounds Alexander with a rear chin lock. Alexander with a Handspring Enziguri to Neville. Neville falls to the outside. Alexander connects with the Somersault Plancha. Alexander rolls Neville back into the ring. Alexander connects with the Springboard Clothesline for a two count. Neville with a knee to the chest of Alexander. Neville rams his shoulders to the midsection of Alexander. Alexander plants Neville with a Standing Spanish Fly for a two count. Neville with a forearm smash to Alexander. Alexander responds with a series of forearm strikes.

Neville with a spinning heel kick to the gut of Alexander. Alexander with a leaping knee strike. Alexander goes for the Lumbar Check, but Neville gets back on his feet. Neville connects with a snap german suplex. Neville follows that up with a Dead-Lift German Suplex with a Bridge for a two count. Neville places Alexander on the top rope. Alexander with a series of clubbing forearms to the back of Neville. Alexander goes for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, but Neville gets back on his feet. Alexander is shocked. Alexander with a enziguri from the ring apron. Alexander sets up for the Springboard Clothesline, but Noam Dar distracts him.

Alexander with a flying clothesline off the ring apron to Noam Dar. Alexander goes for the Springboard Clothesline, but he slips on the top rope. Neville locks in the Iron Maiden and Alexander taps out. After the match, Neville tosses Noam Dar out of the ring. Neville stomps on Alexander chest. Neville goes into the ground and pound attack. Rich Swann storms into the ring and starts brawling with Neville. Neville sends Swann face first to the top turnbuckle. Alexander starts brawling with Dar on the outside. Back in the ring, Swann goes into a ground and pound attack. The referees tries to get Swann off Neville. Both men are now separated by the officials and security to close out the show. 

Winner: Neville via Submission 

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