WWE NXT Results (1/4): Nakamura vs Joe III in a Steel Cage, NXT Tag Titles on the Line, and Much More!

Modified Japanese arm drag by Kay to Moon. Morgan dropkicks Kay from behind for a two count. Kay flips Morgan to the apron. Moon superkicks Morgan off the apron. Kay levels Moon with a forearm for another near fall. Moon almost decapitates Kay with a right hand. Moon charges Kay, but Kay pulls down the rope, which causes Moon to fall tot he outside. Morgan tries to attack Kay, but Kay back body drops Morgan over the top rope. Morgan takes a sick bump that ends with her landing back-first on the apron. Kay brings both Monn and Morgan back into the ring and tries to pin them both. Both Morgan and Moon kick out. Moon and Morgan double chop Kay and she falls to the outside. Moon springboard splashes Morgan, but Kay rushing back into the ring to break up the pin. Moon lands multiple strikes followed by a butterfly suplex on Kay. Handspring elbow by Moon to Kay. Moon goes up top, but Morgan cuts her off.  Kay gets up and power bombs Morgan off the second rope for another two count. Kay argues with the Referee. When Kay turns around Moon dives off the top and hits the Eclipse for the win!

Winner- Ember Moon


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