WZ Flashback: Money in the Bank 2011 Results – Cena/Punk Classic, Orton vs Christian, The Hall of Pain Begins

Slater with a series of right hands to Kane. Kane plants Slater with the side walk slam. Kane ascends to the top rope. Sin Cara with a standing enziguri that sends Kane crashing to the outside. Gabriel with a boot to the gut of Sin Cara. Gabriel kicks Sin Cara out of the ring. Bryan lands a european uppercut on Gabriel. Bryan ducks a clothesline from Gabriel. Bryan connects with the suicide dive to Barrett. Kane tries to drag Gabriel out of the ring, but Gabriel shoves Kane away. Gabriel drops Kane with the Somersault Plancha. Slater knocks Rhodes off the ring apron. Slater follows that up with a Slingshot Twisting Plancha.

Sin Cara with a springboard crossbody to Sheamus on the outside. Sin Cara drops Bryan with a enziguri from the ring apron. Sin Cara follows that up with another springboard crossbody. Gabriel goes for a back body drop, but Sin Cara gets back on his feet. Sin Cara leapfrogs over Gabriel and connects with a double stomp to the chest of Slater. Gabriel kicks Sin Cara in the gut. Sin Cara drops Gabriel with a springboard back elbow drop. Sin Cara hurricanrana’s Gabriel out of the ring. Bryan ascends to the top rope. Sin Cara connects with another standing enziguri. Sin Cara plants Bryan with the Spanish Fly.

Sin Cara heads out of the ring and grabs a ladder. Barrett drops Sin Cara with a big boot. Barrett bridges the ladder in between the spanish announce table and the ring apron. Sin Cara sends Barrett shoulder first into the steel ring post. Sheamus drops Sin Cara with the Brouge Kick. Sheamus shoves his boot to the back of Sin Cara’s neck. Sheamus with a powerbomb off the ring apron that sends Sin Cara crashing through the ladder. Sin Cara is placed on a stretcher and is taken to the back. Sheamus hits Slater and Barrett with the ladder. Kane with a series of right hands to the jaw of Sheamus. Kane drops a ladder on Sheamus shoulder. Kane with a big boot to Slater. Bryan, Rhodes and Kane have ladders in their hands. Bryan and Rhodes are double teaming Kane. Bryan and Rhodes go back and forth with forearm strikes. Kane hits Bryan and Rhodes with the ladder.


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