wwe tribute to the troops

WWE Tribute To The Troops 2016 Results (12/14): Wyatt’s Shine, Reigns & Big Cass Teamed Up, Who Will Face The New Day At WWE Roadblock?

Gallows tags in Anderson. The Club with a double team elbow drop for a two count. Cesaro dropkicks Gallows. Goldust with a powerslam to Epico. Primo and R-Truth are tagged in. Truth with a series of clotheslines to Primo. Truth with a spinning leg lariat to Primo. Truth follows that up with the Scissors Kick for a two count.

Cesaro tags himself in. Cesaro with a running european uppercut to Truth and Primo. Cesaro with a slingshot crossbody to the Club on the outside. Cesaro follows that up with a flying crossbody off the top rope for a two count. Cesaro sets up for the Cesaro Swing, but Epico counters with a sunset flip. Cesaro goes for the Cesaro Swing on Epico, but Primo counters with the Backstabber. Sheamus tags himself in. Sheamus Brouge Kicks Epico. Primo rolls Sheamus up for a two count. Sheamus drops Primo with the Brouge Kick to pickup the victory.

Winner: Sheamus & Cesaro 


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