ROH Final Battle Match Result: Marty Scurll Defends TV Title Against Will Ospreay & Dragon Lee

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Ring of Honor Final Battle Match Results

ROH World TV Championship Match

Marty Scurll (c) vs. Will Ospreay vs. Dragon Lee

Will sends Marty outside immediately. Marty comes in, but everyone is going for a pin, but no one can even get a one count. Marty is sent back outside and Will and Lee chop each other then Lee dives to the outside. Lee and Marty are back in and Lee hits the kitchen sink then a basement dropkick for a two count that’s broken up by Will. Marty goes back outside. Will with a standing moonsault for a two count. Marty goes for the Cross Face Chicken Wing, but Will counters with the OsCutter.

Lee chops Scurll and Ospreay across the chest then Marty and Will take turns kicking Lee. Will goes for a pin, but Marty drags him off then they face off, exchanging right hands then Marty hits a chop, running at Ospreay, but he ges out of the way and Ospreay hits a cheeky nandos. Ospreay hits a Yakuza kick on Lee then goes for a standing guillotine choke, but Lee hits an innovative powerbomb for a two count. Lee hits a huricanrrana to Ospreay, but he lands on his feet on the outside, Marty dropping Lee with a thrust kick then Ospreay drops Marty with a flying forearm.

Ospreay hits a stunner on Marty then back flips several times into a moonsault then a 630 senton. Ospreay goes for the OsCutter, but Marty counters into a chicken wing, but cannot lock it in before Lee breaks it up. Marty rakes both of their eyes, Ospreay hitting a springboard double Pele kick, following up with an attempted move off the top rope, but Lee gets out of the way then Marty grabs the hands of Lee, snapping his fingers. Marty goes for the chicken win on Lee, but he rolls him up for a two count, Ospreay hits the OsCutter on Lee then Marty throws Will out of the ring, locking in the Cross Face Chicken Wing to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still ROH World Television Champion, Marty Scrull via Submission

Click here for complete Ring of Honor Final Battle pay-per-view results.