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WWE NXT Results (11/23): Huge Six-Women Tag Main Event, and More!

Liv Morgan, Ember Moon, and Aliyah vs Billie Kay, Peyton Royce, and Daria Berenato

As soon as the bell ring, Kay attacks Morgan. Morgan catches Kay with a spinning head scissors. Kay attempts a clothesline, but Morgan Matrixs to avoid it. Royce gets in the ring and runs right into a dropkick. Morgan bulldogs both Royce and Kay at the same time. Aliyah tags in and hits an elbow off the second rope. Aliyah hits a back flip arm drag off the second rope. Berenato tags in and double legs Aliyah. Berenato goes behind Aliyah, but Aliyah rolls her up for a two count. Berenato picks up Aliyah and drops her Matt Hughes style.

After a short break, the heels are tagging in and out taking turns beating down Aliyah. Aliyah manages to tag in Moon. Moon hits a handspring elbow to Royce, followed by a springboard splash. Morgan gets in the ring and hits an STO on Berenato. Kay lays Morgan out with a big boot. Kay drags Royce to the corner. Kay goes to the outside and drags Berenato to the apron and has Berenato tag Royce. Berenato gets in the ring in a daze. Kay and Royce leave ringside.Berenato turns around and Moon obliterates her with the top rope twisting stunner for the win.

Winners- Live Morgan, Ember Moon, and Aliyah

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